Friday, March 26, 2010

Outsoucing and Obamacare

An effect of Obamacare:
Mumbai – With 22 pen strokes, President Obama signed into existence not just a historic healthcare reform law but also monumental piles of paperwork: New member registration forms. More claims. Ever-expanding databases. And on top of that, pressure to cut costs.
The bulge in administrative work may look like a nightmare to American insurance firms and government employees. But to outsourcing executives here in India, it’s heaven-sent. A number of Indian companies are already anticipating an increase in workload thanks to Obama's healthcare law.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

As seen in Ely

There were a number of these signs in Ely, Nevada last week.
Polls say that Reid is in trouble this election year. The story behind the signs here.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Peter Robinson

The elite journalists, I repeat, got Obama wrong. The troglodytes got him right.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Moral Hazard

Paul Krugman, Nobel Prize winner, seems to have forgotten what moral hazard is.