Donald Boudreaux contrasts two theories of depression, the Keynesian and one from Robert Higgs:
Perhaps ironically, one of the most powerful challenges to any
Keynesian diagnosis of economic ailments also focuses on inadequate
investment spending, but from a wholly different perspective. That
challenge is today most closely associated with the economist Robert
Higgs' careful look at the data on the Great Depression and World War
II convinced him that (1) a U.S. economy producing genuine prosperity
wasn't restored until 1946, and (2) investors hunkered down, especially
from 1935-40, because New Deal regulations -- along with President
Franklin Roosevelt's increasingly vocal hostility to enterprise and
successful risk-takers -- created too much uncertainty about how
government would treat profits and wealth accumulation.
The "regime uncertainty" -- described by Higgs as "a pervasive
uncertainty among investors about the security of their property rights
in their capital and its prospective returns" -- unleashed by actual and
threatened New Deal interventions made private innovation and
entrepreneurial effort simply too unattractive. So private investment
spending largely ground to a halt during FDR's reign.
Both are essentially arguing that the focus should not be on the demand side, as both Keynesians and monetarists have argued, but on the supply side. To understand the reason that recovery was so slow in the Great Depression, and by extension the reason we see so little recovery now, look not to the theories of macroeconomics, but to some of the literature on economic growth and development that argues that secure property rights and an impartial legal system are keys to economic growth.
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